Quitting the Evil Day Job

One of my good friends who is also one of my critique partners, is leaving her Evil Day Job this week to write full time. I have three critique partners, and they are all now full time writers. (One has three children, so she’s also a full time Mum.) I personally think that this is totally wonderful, and it means that these inspiring women can tap into some serious creative potential to achieve their dreams. They even have the time to achieve their dreams.

But for my friend who is leaving her job this week, this is where the story unravels a bit. Apart from her husband and children, she is lacking support with the real humans in her life (not the writers). Her friends and real family are criticizing her for her decision to leave work, refusing to even talk to her about her creative endeavours, and this is right royally starting to piss me off. The audacity of these people. They call themselves her friends and family? But where is the support? Or the love? Or the shoulder? No where. They appear to be more worried about how she will make money, or the recession, or things like that. Personally – it is absolutely none of their business to what arrangement she has with her money situation. What business is it of theirs? If she has some sort of way to pay the bills and live, then that is her business and hers alone.

This decision that she has made is primarily about her happiness, and her goals in life. Life is what we make of it, and if you are happy sitting around working a 40 hour week in a job that you don’t like, and getting paid sweet F.A. to do so – then fine. That’s your life. Be happy with what baskets you put your f*!king eggs in. But if you see someone taking a risk with their own life to make their dreams come true? Well – that’s just inspirational. Be inspired by this. Do not be jealous, or worry about their potential money problems!

I can’t wait till my friend has more time on her plate to create her worlds. It’s very exciting for her, and I am more than willing to give her as much support as she needs to make her dreams come true. What goes around, comes around.

So, let this be a warning to those who are not creative or to those to have no idea what being creative means. If someone is quitting their day job to pursue their dreams, then support them in achieving that. Be their shoulder to cry on, and be there to talk to them. That’s what friends and family do for each other. It is not about how much money you earn, or what you spend it on that shows your quality of life. It’s how you feel within yourself.


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  1. That was SO me 18 months ago. Tell her to hang in there … they’ll eventually eat their words. And that’s a really, really great feeling.


    1. Yeah, I was actually thinking of you when she was talking to me about this. I remember you saying that it was a tough decision to follow your dreams, but I bet you have no regrets. I know that if I left work today, I would have absolutely no regrets. Unfortunately, I have a massive mortgage to pay at the moment, so that dream won’t be a reality for a while. But it’s in the future pipeline. 🙂


  2. I am so very fortunate that I have a husband who supports me financially and lets me choose what I want to make of my life, and family and friends who support my creative endeavors, however long it seems to them it’s taking to produce fruit! Good for your friend! I’m really excited for her 🙂 She’ll make it through and I know she’ll prove all that nay-saying wrong.


    1. She will definitely prove them wrong. She’s an excellent writer, with fantastic ideas and worlds. And these people haven’t read her work, so they wouldn’t have a clue as to what her writing style is like, or her marketability. She will go far, and when she does, they will all want a piece of it – without a shadow of a doubt.


    2. Oh, and I seriously wished that my wonderful husband could support me to write, but at the moment our outgoings are just too high for me to do that. Ah well – sometime in the future.


  3. How awful!

    You know, if a family unit is scared about making ends meet, that’s one thing. But if the family is supportive, who else even matters?


    1. It is worrisome for her, you are quite right. She feels very lucky to have such great writing friends around her to support her with her passions. But it’s extremely tough not having that support that you need from the rest of your family. But she has a wonderful husband and two daughters who adore her, so at least she has them.


  4. Hi Leigh, I love your blog! I could relate to this story. I think it is wonderful she wants to live her dream! It took six years to write my novel because I do work full time. Apart from friends and family who reviewed my book, I didn’t have any other writers to talk to. Since publishing, I have started a small facebook group for writers that I am meeting, so we can give each other encouragement and support. We only have 15 members but we are all either working on our first or second books/novels, editors and one at university (for creative writing). Anyway, if you want to join us please let me know. You can find me on facebook then I will join you to the group as it is locked down. Only if you are interested xxx


    1. Hi Lisa!
      Welcome to Parchment Place! I’m very pleased that you love my little corner of the world. I’m rather fond of it myself. Would love to be a part of your group 🙂 I have worked my way well past the second novel though, so I hope you’ll forgive me for that. Still – I don’t have any of my novels published – yet! I’m hoping to start that journey this year.
      Lovely to see you around these parts 🙂 Will see you again soon – I hope.


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