NaNoWriMo 2013

Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!

Oh my, I can’t quite believe it’s that time of year – AGAIN. My how the time flies when you’re having fun. 

This year for NaNoWriMo, I’m working on my current WIP, which I already have about 20+k written on it. I need to add another 60k of words approximately, so I’m using NaNoWriMo 2013 to help me out with a little motivation. 

For those of you who don’t know what NaNoWriMo is – it’s otherwise known as (inter)National Novel Writing Month – depending on what country you live in. The aim of the game is to complete a 50,000 word novel between 1 November and 30 November. 50k is a pretty short novel, so hence why I am working on my current thriller – Tijuana Nights

There are a crapload of writers all around the world that get on board with this amazing challenge every year. At the moment, I think there are nearly 200,000 writers at this stage participating. When you add it all up – that’s a lot of collective words. 

So… here are some things that I always need as part of my prep: 

  1. An outlined novel 😉 
  2. Music to write to. Check out Spotify if you need any inspiration. It’s free, you can create playlists, follow others or artists, and generally have access to a huge range of amazing sounds. 
  3. My laptop updated and ready to work! (I know that’s a basic – but jeepers – you don’t know how temperamental my system can be sometimes.) 
  4. A NaNoWriMo motivational calendar pinned to my desktop! 
  5. Widgets. Everyone must have widgets. 
  6. A spreadsheet set up to I can track my entire novel progress (not just the 50k) do my own little pretty graph things.
  7. Coffee and chocolate. Enough said. 
  8. A good NaNo support team.
  9. A child who will leave me alone – yeah right! 
  10. And finally – for dear husband not to book me in for too many commitments in November.

And… since I have all that sorted out – I think I’m ready to get cracking into NaNoWriMo tomorrow (NZ time). I’ve got a novel to finish, and I apologise for any lack of blogging in November that may or may not happen! Wish me luck. 



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  1. LOL. Can’t wait! I’m in the middle of my novel, too, and have to finish it, so I’m doing it during NaNo, but… I have to do some travel articles (Island of Hawai`i), too, which I hope will finish up my 50K words. I’m meeting the owners of the online magazine I write for and we’re spending a few days together, running all over the island and doing interviews. I’ll have tons of material, but not so much time to work on the novel.

    Best of luck on yours, Leigh.


    1. Thanks!
      Yes, I find that Nano is a really good motivator for me to get some serious novel work done. Although, I’m already writing consistently, it’s just so much fun getting caught up in word wars and having a bit of team spirit.


      1. It is fun. I’m like you, I write every day, but this one month helps motivate me much more after the long slog of the year. And we have a good team at WW. Best of luck, my friend. Let me know how it goes.


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