The Peculiar Searches of a Writer

ImageThis post is inspired by Kristen Lamb’s recent post called ‘You Know You’re a Writer When…” I had a good little giggle when I read it, but what it really god me thinking about what I end up searching for on the internet. I’m one of those ‘anally retentive’ writers that has a million bookmarked pages on my Chrome filed under foldernames of the books I’m writing at the time… so I went through a few of the more recent ones.

Airy Fairy Stuff:

  • The art of dream interpretation
  • Male Astrology – What makes them tick
  • The ultimate list of superpowers
  • Greek gods information

 Language and Cultural Stuff:

  • Spanish for Dummies
  • Venice monasteries
  • Spanish Flashcards
  • Tijuana night life
  • Architecture and history of [insert city/country here]
  • Common food and drinks of [insert city/country here]

 The CIA Watchlist Stuff:

  • Unusual ways for people to die
  • Mexican cartel and warlord information
  • Salt water torture through submergence
  • How do I get hold of cyanide?
  • Mexican cartel beheadings on YouTube
  • Drug smuggling in the Balearic Islands
  • Extreme Drug Smuggling Techniques using people across the Mexican/USA borders
  • How to kill someone via a range of different techniques
  • How long does it take for gas asphyxiation to kill someone?
  • Snipers and how they do it
  • Dissolving bodies in acid and how long it takes
  • A complete list of poisons and how to administer them
  • How to electrify/hot-wire a urinal


I guess if they didn’t know I was a writer and searching this stuff for research purposes, they would probably lock me up. I’m not the most normal person, but I’m definitely not the craziest either. The craziest would actually physically act on all the above searches to do they’re research.


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    1. Lol, Andrea! Me too! One would like to think one would buy our work. Hey – if that’s the sort of thing that would get my work out there in the spotlight – I don’t have a problem searching for all sorts of weird and wonderful things!


  1. Forensics and Fiction + More Forensics and Fiction by D.P. Lyle

    Just found these books and ordered them from the library…going to buy myself the copies and keep.
    Best books ever! Keeps your searches from the NSA Big Brother and answers ANY question you could think of.

    Great post Hun. 🙂
    Had a giggle…you have inspired me to write a post on my searches now. 🙂


  2. Some of the research on my latest book has been about how computer security systems work, what can be done with the effective strength of wireless networks, how HALO drops with heavy artillery work, and how the process of effects when people burn to death.

    If you looked at that, you’d be setting up a barricade around my house, right? Honestly, the people in my stories are creeps: I’m fine.


  3. LOL I don’t write thrillers but I know that I look up weird stuff too! And if I start writing mysteries, I’m sure my folders/bookmarks will get weirder still!


    1. Lol – you can bet your bottom dollar that you’re gonna hit someones list if you’re a mystery writer! And when you do start doing some random searches – I expect a progress report on what you’re searching!


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