Pretty stuff and an update

So I was looking at my site earlier and decided that I really didn’t like the menu option with the theme I had. So I have changed it up – and everything just feels that much clearer. There is nothing that tickle my fancy more than good, clean, and effective design.

Now that I have my website news over and done with… I got interviewed last week! That was kind of random – but also good as a reflection exercise. It even has an excerpt from VENICE NIGHTS in it for those of you who are amping to read a bit of it.

Speaking of which, I’m nearly halfway through writing VENICE NIGHTS. Everything is seriously ramping up, and I’m trying to get the complete manuscript to my editor quick smart. I really really can’t wait to finish writing this book and get it out there to the world. Mack and the team are pretty close to my heart, and I really want to share their next adventure with everyone.

In other news, I’m going to be releasing some gorgeous Creativity Notebooks this month. You’re probably asking why – but they’re actually more for myself and my writing team, but then I felt that it would be better just to shove them out there for the whole world to order if they want to. So to start, I’m releasing two different notebooks. One is a feel good creativity notebook, and the other is more focused to the writerly crew.

LONDON DUSK has come off exclusivity with Amazon, and this means that if you or anyone you know would like to sign up to my Newsletter, then you’ll get a copy of London Dusk for free.

 TIJUANA NIGHTS is hitting the e-book shelves of Nook, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and so on at the end of this month. I’ll also put up purchase links here on my website as well if you want to buy directly from me in whatever format you require, as well as the links to the bookstores.

I think that’s it for my update right now – now – in the meantime – what do you think of the Creativity Notebook cover?

Creativity Notebook Cover 3


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