Inspirational things

For many years I have collected and saved things that I find inspirational in my life. In fact, I think I might be an ‘inspiration’ hoarder. There are things like this all over my house that I just need to look at and find something that makes me happy within them. These are things like photographs of my grandmother who was an incredibly talented violinist, my grandfather’s war medals that I have the miniatures of, candles that I light when I am writing, artwork, and of course there are many, many books.

I do have this small angel ornament that my mother gave me once, that I particularly like. She sits on the shelf in my library, and she’s blowing a kiss. I’m not sure why I’m so drawn to this little figure. I can’t decide if it’s because of the glitter on her wings that reminds me of magical fairy writing dust, or if it’s the fact that she is always sending me love. Whatever it is, I like it, and it inspires me, (even if I did accidentally drop her once, and broke her leg. Yeah… I still feel guilty!)

Inside my computer, I have even more things that inspire me electronically. There is music, random photographs, quotes, friend’s book covers that are about to be published, arty images, and videos of inspiring people. I often like cruising around my computer’s hard drive and rediscovering all these amazing things, but it can be an incredible time waster.

So while I was sick, I decided that a few of these things should probably be shared, and hosted in the one spot so that I stop cruising around my laptop for hours on end. I felt that the best place would be on my new website, which is now properly up and running (although there are a few more things that need fixing in there.) So I created an Inspiration page there so that everyone can feel inspired.

I think that there are amazingly inspirational things everywhere that we all find uniquely inspirational to us as individuals. I am always on the hunt for more that can inspire me, and as artists, I think we all are – whether it be a line spoken, a painting, or even a lyric. These are things that inspire me, and things that I save to muse over later. If you know of anything that I could be interested in then please send me an email. I would love to see whatever treasures you have… especially if it helps inspire my writing.


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  1. I am constantly inspired by landscape and visual art. As a writer and blogger I quite do collaborative posts with artists, as today. Do click over and have a look – I think it might appeal to you.


    1. Gosh, Deborah, you have some fabulous images over at your place… think I may have to hang out there more often 🙂 Thank you for stopping by in Parchment Place 🙂


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